
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

I Am A Lazy Bum...

Yep. I am a bum. I have accomplished virtually nothing...all week long. Ella has been fighting bronchitis, and both Hadley and Jay had the funky funk. Yes, that is a new medical phrase. It's from the Latin word Funkitous...meaning lots of nasty drainage accompanied by a cough and sore throat. Yes, that was my pathetic attempt at humor.

Last night, I went to the gym with out my brood of sicklings.

Today, I drove to the post office to buy stamps. I also took Layton to and from preschool.

Wow. I am so productive. HA!!!

I am feeling especially lazy because I haven't written an actual post in quite some time. I am the queen of scheduling quicky posts for the future. I would consider giving up the whole autopublish thing for Lent, but I am afraid that a sacrifice of that magnitude would even cause God some concern for my mental health. I have several other contenders for my Lent sacrifice. How about you? Do any of you make a sacrifice during Lent? I did not grow up in a church that pushed self denial. It was always something I chose to do and enjoyed doing. Once while I was in high school, I gave up Spaghettios. This may seem frivolous, but I was a hardcore consumer.

Let's take a vote. What should I give up for Lent this year?

Diet Mountain Dew

Ironing (ok, so maybe this one is actually a wish)

Wal-Mart (wait a minute, I gave up Wal-Mart a while back...after I decided that the Waltons made a deal with the devil.)

French Fries

Booze (this might not be much of a sacrifice. I don't drink much. In fact, I haven't had a drink in the year 2010.)


Let's hear it! What do you think I should let go of for 40 days? Suggestions? Comments?