
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Blog Post That Pisses Off a Lot of People...

This is me with one of my guns.

Yes, my gun. I bought this gun two years ago. Admittedly, the hubs has shot it more than I.

I'll be honest with you. I grew up completely gun-phobic. My parents were so anti-gun that I convinced myself that if I looked at a gun, I would certainly die of a self-inflicted wound.

Just imagine the look on my face the first time I got in Jay's vehicle. He had three guns in it at the time. I immediately thought he was some kind of felon. Only criminals carry guns, right? That's what my extreme anti-gun parents had taught me.

It took a while for me to warm up to the idea of having guns in my home. There are a lot of safety measures that have to be taken when children live in homes that pack heat. For example, our gun cabinet and safes are locked. None of the guns in the curio, cabinet, safe are loaded. The ammunition is kept in a separate cabinet that is also locked. The children know the guns are not toys and have seen the NRA safety videos.

BUT, in the event you decide to show up at my house after dark without warning.....just remember that I am always packing.