Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Spirit on the Square...And in the Air...

Last night, I went to the Spirit of Athens meeting at the Clubhouse in downtown Athens. The Clubhouse is a restaurant that benefits our local Boys and Girls Club affiliate. Trisha had several renderings of our town on display. The drawings were completed by an architect in Montgomery (from what I understand) and show what our downtown area could look like if some of the facades were returned to their grandeur. I was impressed! I have no doubt that I will be drawn and quartered for putting those candid photos up, but I couldn't resist. The girls looked too cute chatting!
In other news.....the air is still not working in my office!!! If you've ever paid a visit to Alabama in July, you know how important central air can be. I have a couple of fans in the office, but they are not really making much of a difference. The thermostat is reading 85! I am starting to look a little wilted.


momx2 said...

Ok! First of all, please bring your stuff & work in our AC. Secondly I look so HUGE. Diet tommorow!!

Sunshine Mama said...

I feel your pain.It's 79 in the house today and probably 85 or 90 in the kitchen cause I'm cooking cake and other food.

Thanks for following my diet blog. I'm pretty pumped about it. I'm glad we can all do it together.