Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Top 10 Reasons I Got Married...

There have been a lot of posts on blogs I read about marriage lately. Some good. Some bad. Some brutally honest.

So without further ado, here are the top ten reasons I married Jay...

1. I love him. That one is totally obvious, so I decided to put it first!

2. He has absolutely no clue how to launder slacks properly. I can't help myself; I totally love to take care of things for people.

3. On one of our first dates, I asked him what he wanted to do with his life. His response was genius. He told me he wanted to raise a family the same way his father did and his grandfather did. Be honest, that would have reeled you in too! :)

4. He is the only person I know who likes their tea the same way I do. Not too cold. Not too sweet.

5. He isn't bothered by my unhealthy obsession with my feet. He isn't bothered by my unhealthy obsession with other people's feet.

6. He would drive to Cullman for take out food if I asked him to. That's nearly an hour away from our house, but I know that if I really, really wanted All Steak for supper, he would go get it for me. Cuz he loves me.

7. He would never intentionally hurt me. Ever. In fact, I think he would go Braveheart on anyone who tried to hurt me.

8. Even when I am looking my absolute worst, he always tells me that he thinks I'm beautiful. The spring before we got married, I had strep throat. He came to my parents house to see me. I was sitting in their sun room with a red nose, no makeup, without a shower for a couple days, fever, and glassy eyes. I will never forget the fact that he sat down right next to me and told me that I looked beautiful. In hind sight, he might have been sucking up to me; I caught the strep from him.

9. He likes zombie movies. He will sit through chick flicks without complaining though...just for me.

10. Because no one else has ever made me feel as special as he makes me feel.