I have to hand it to Matthew Kyle. He owns and operates our local Chick Fil A, and he is a class act!! Keep in mind that our Chick Fil A has only been here a couple of years.
There were close to 500 runners in the event!!!!
Mayor Dan was there along with Mignon Bowers, councilwoman. Here they are posing with Trisha Black the executive director of Spirit of Athens.

Spirit of Athens gave out pedometers to anyone who stopped by our booth. Westside Jiffy Pharmacy was kind enough to donate the pedometers to SOA's cause.

The cards with the pedometers have walking routes on the back. Of course all the routes go through downtown Athens! Three laps around our courthouse square is a mile!! Spirit of Athens is trying to promote more walking in downtown. Three of the restaurants in downtown served a heart healthy lunch today! Yum!!
I just loved this picture of Trisha and Diane!! Diane Lehr is the chair of the organization committee and is doing a fabulous job with it!! Notice the adorable iWalk t-shirts we were selling too.
I put together a team to represent Spirit of Athens in the race. If I get their consent, I am going to post the group photo of them. They looked so adorable in their red shirts!!