I had an occasion to take Layton and Ella to the park one day. It started out beautifully. There was plenty of sunshine, and the two little dumplings were all smiles.
Here's the evidence:
Here's the evidence:

Things went downhill after this though. If Ella were two or three, I wouldn't have minded the whole situation in the least. She is not two. She is almost seven. She had a toilet accident of epic proportions. AND, I nearly came unglued over it. The only thing to say about it is that I was so thankful for my obsessive need to plan for the worst. In the back of my car, I keep a bag that I refer to as the "Apocalypse bag." Inside this bag there is a change of clothes and underpants for every member of my family. I also have a stash of over the counter medications, a first aide kit, a few bottles of water, and a small amount of snack food. Right this minute, I am picturing my mother lecturing me for putting that tidbit of information on the Internet; it makes me sound like a nut job! Seriously though, I live fairly close to a nuclear power plant, and every year TVA sends out a calendar with instructions for what to do in case of various emergencies including a nuclear meltdown. I realize I am more likely to get hit by a meteor than to experience a nuclear meltdown, but I tend to hope for the best and plan for the worst. This bag has come in handy on more than one occasion.