Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Objects May Appear Lazier...

Have you ever felt this way? I know I have.

Have you ever been really, really rude to a client because they called one too many times? I know I have.

Have you ever wanted to sell all your possessions, move to Montana, and live off the fat of the land for the rest of your life? I know I have.

I am not a lazy person. In fact, I don't thrive on calmness. I stay in motion much of the day. Jay asked me last night to sit still and relax. I tried to explain to him that I really don't know how to relax. If I am sitting, then I am not taking care of something that needs to be done. This is where he chimed in and asked, "Does it really NEED to be done? Or, is it something you THINK needs to be done?"

Have you ever cleaned the house before the lovely girl who cleans it for you comes just so you won't be embarassed by the spots on the floor? I know I have.

Do you insist on wiping down all the counter tops after every meal? I know I do.

Do you ever wake up in the night and wonder if you turned the dryer on? I know I do.

Are you completely anal about the way undershirts are folded? I know I am.

Have you ever begun to realize that many of the things you do don't have to be done? I just did. Last night.