This is not an ordinary rocking chair in my eyes. This is a rocking chair that my grandfather bought for my mother, so she could rock her children to sleep.
I love to rock a sleeping child. To me, there are few things that feel as nice as rocking a small child. I could rock babies all day long!!!
When Hadley was a baby, we had a green glider rocker. It rocked a lot of miles. We got a nice green and creme rocker to match Ella's bedding when she was a baby...her bedding was green and creme toile. I used the same rocker in Layton's nursery.
The rocking chairs seem so empty now though. The checkered green and creme chair is rarely used. It sits by Jay's computer desk so lonely. The dark green glider rocker is in the den and squeaks so loudly that it isn't practical.
I just don't know what to do with them now that my babies aren't babies in need of rocking anymore. Some days, I think it's time to sell them or take them to Goodwill. Other days, I cannot imagine parting with chairs that gave so much comfort in the wee hours of the morning. Some of my fondest memories of my children are those moments in their rocking chairs. When the house was dark and all other creatures were sleeping, I would rock and love my babies. It was so quiet and peaceful, and those moments were just for the two of us.
How do you part with such a treasured chair?