Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shower Me Any Time Baby...

Some of the girls planned a baby shower for my friend Elizabeth. I took fruit. Fruit is easy. :) Everything turned out so nice though. I had to share some pictures from that morning...

The cupcakes came from GiGi's. If you want to eat a little bit of heaven, go to GiGi's.

The shower was at 10:30 in the morning, so there was a table consisting of breakfast foods. The egg casserole was so delish!! It was all so good!! I want all the recipes...and I'm going to get them too! I hope!!

I loved this framed monogram that Carla made! I am not a good photographer, so this doesn't do it justice, but it is the baby's monogram and was to die for!!
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If I should ever find myself pregnant again, I want a shower just like this one!! Ha! If I did get pregnant again, I'd have to have a shower...we've gotten rid of all our baby supplies!! I never say I'm done having children because the last two times I said I was done, I had two more children!