I despise Christmas-time. I have a lot of difficulty finding anything joyous about the holiday anymore.
I loved Christmas-time when I was younger. I thought it was the most wonderful time of year and couldn't wait to pull out the ornaments.
Now though, it's just a huge pain.
We have no traditions anymore and have to duke out when to have dinner with family.
TV, the Internet, Magazines, Radio...all have an attitude and agenda. Consume. Consume. Consume. Buy until you can't buy anymore. Get up at 3:00AM and consume.
Children are the worst. Each is sucked into a consumer mindset. Can I have that toy? Will Santa bring me two of those? I want. I want. I want.
The stores are crowded. I can't stand being in huge crowds. I have to grocery shop in the middle of the night just to do it in peace and quiet.
I didn't even want to have a tree this year. It's too much trouble to put the thing up only to have to take it all down in a few weeks. When I didn't have children, it didn't bother me as much. Now though, I have more important things to do than deal with some silly, fake piece of evergreen. Do you know how many dirty socks three children have in a week's time? Oh no, it's far more than 42. I'd rather wash the socks than deal with Christmas.
I despise Christmas-time.