Sex. Is it a dirty word?
Not really.
I have to admit though, there are a lot of negative connotations associated with the word Sex. I am past thirty, and I can't bare to say the word sex in front of my mother. Clearly, everyone knows I've been having sex, or I wouldn't have three children. It's not like they were immaculately conceived. Or I can pretend that in front of my grandmother.
On occasion, my girlfriends and I will joke about sex or talk about the joys of sex after children. Don't even pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. "I'm really tired. Can I just lay there?" or right in the throws of passion, a child gets out of bed, knocks on your door, and declares that some one vomited in the middle of the night. Talk about a mood killer. I once even told the hubs he had 15 minutes. Not anytime minutes. No rollover minutes allowed. And he would incur roaming charges if he went over. That's what parenthood will do to a sex life.
Even though sex isn't something that is often blogged about, it's obvious that we've all been having it. A mommy blog cannot exist without first having sex to conceive a child or trying to conceive a child. Why is it such a taboo subject? Even the most religious of individuals has something of a sex guide.
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
for your love is more delightful than wine.
3 Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
your name is like perfume poured out.
Song of Solomon
Oh yes, even in the Good Book, sex is a topic touched on more than once. So, I ask. Why are we hiding sex talk? I'm not talking about the nitty, gritty details. I'm talking about frank discussions on how sex changes throughout life. For example:
Early 20's before kids: Honey, it's raining. We can't go hiking. What do you want to do? Well, I guess we could have sex to pass the time.
20's trying to conceive: No, now. You have to have sex with me in the next five hours! I am ovulating. I don't care what football game is on. You have to perform. Now!
20's after kids: Holy cow! The baby is asleep. We should have sex. The odds of me being remotely interested in it in an hour are slim. Get it while it's being offered. And no, I'm not taking my top off.
30's: I had one too many glasses of wine with dinner. The kids are at your parents. Let's get it on. (in my best sexy voice)
I'm throwing down the gauntlet. Blog about sex. I will probably read it, or I will be in the witness relocation program after this post is read by all 5 of my readers and an angry mob comes for me. Either way, put it out there.