Thursday, March 31, 2011

Look into Those Eyes...

My little niece Chesley is so precious. She's into everything all the time. By the time you clean up one mess, she has already made ten more. She touches everything she sees and has to be constantly reminded that she is not the boss.

Such a sweet girl.

Seriously, The Best Baby I Know...

This is our friends' baby boy. He is (no joke) the best baby I have ever been around. No fussing. No whining. No complaining. It's impressive.


I could totally have three more if they were all as good as this cutie pie!

He's So Preppy...

Ever watch Saved by the Bell? True confession. I watched it all the time. I had no life. It was truly rather pathetic, but I have learned a lot of social skills since then. It's almost safe to take me in public now. HA!

Anyway, you know how Slater was always calling Zac "Preppy?" I think that nickname suits Layton just fine. He is completely obsessed with sweater vests.

This wasn't even for picture day at school or church or anything like that. He was dressed like this on an ordinary day.

Sure, it looks like perfect bicycling clothing to me.

I think I'll buy him a top hat for his birthday. Or maybe some lovely argyle socks.

Just When You Think It's Over...

I thought Winter was over. No, really. I was convinced that Spring had sprung. The kids had been playing outside. I turned the thermostat from heat to cool. Ella had even busted out her white tank top that I despise and she loves....

No such luck. The weather this week has been cold. Gloomy. Cold. Gloomy. The heat is back on. Jackets are back out. There hasn't been any playing outside this week. We've been stuck hiding from the 50 degree weather and rain. Where has the sun gone?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Say Hello to My Little Friend...Not Really...I'm Like Indiana Jones...

Snakes. Nope. I am not much of a snake person. I don't panic when I see one, but I'd rather stay away from them. This little guy was amongst the rocks at the site where we like to camp.

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Spring is Near...

The time of year my children love most is getting closer. We are all anxiously awaiting Spring.

There are scooters to ride, flowers to pick, fields to run, and fun to be had.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What a Face...

Warm Days, Top Down on the Jeep, What to Do?...

On a hot day in the South with the top down on the Jeep.....there is only one thing to do.....

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Get some Kreme Delite!!!!!!! 


There are moments when I look at my children and wonder... did I get so lucky?

Monday, March 28, 2011

She Rarely Lets Me Take Her Picture...

Hadley is a bit camera shy. She doesn't like to have me up in her face with my camera. We've established that Ella and Layton are camera whores, so I guess it's okay that Hadley avoids pictures. Side note: My mother will call me out on using the word whore in the same sentence as Ella and Layton, so don't bother leaving negative comments; I will get enough from Mimi later. :)

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She is such a sweet girl though. So loving and kind. So beautiful in so many ways. 

I Did Mention These Two Are Going to Be Trouble, Right?.....

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Gushy Earth...

There is an area at the farm that is about to be a giant garden.

Ella walked out through the middle of it and said the earth felt "gushy." Yeah, I just let her squat right down and play in it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When Your Name Is Ella...

If you were Ella, you would be melodramatic too. You would make silly faces and angry faces and happy faces. You would intentionally egg on your brother and harass your older sister. You would play your mother like a violin and work your daddy like bread dough in your hands.

And, you would get on a four wheeler and make this face...

...just because you could. Oh Ella. You are such a funny little person.

When Did She Start Looking So Grown Up?...

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Probably Not Safe, But I Let Them Anyway...

The first time we took the top down on the Jeep this year I let the children climb all over. Yes, it was probably a little risky and not smart. I let them do it anyway. They had a ton of fun!

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Scoot, Scoot...

Old Soul...Deserves Old Style Picture...

Friday, March 25, 2011

More Warm Days=More Fun...

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I Don't Think There Is Anything I Love More...

...than watching my three children play outside in the sun.

The smiles. The glow of the sun hitting their hair. Moments like these are precious to me.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sometimes, I Just Like to Look at Him...

Layton is constantly amazed by things all around him. It doesn't take much to light up his face. I hope he keeps that sense of wonder for as long as possible.

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Sometimes, You Just Need to Sit...

When Layton plays hard outside...

...sometimes he just needs to stop a minute and rest.

What Does $29.99 at K-Mart Get You?...

A whole bunch of fun!

I'd say that when Santa fulfilled Ella's request for a scooter, he did good.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lacey's Version of Street Cred...

I've heard of street cred. I thought for a while that I might like to have some. Then, I realized I'm just not cool enough for it. Lacey on the other hand...

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Her Ghetto-Fabulous hat speaks for itself. :)

What Would I Need This For?....

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Still Short and Sweet...

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Hear Her Roar...

Ella is a force. Just when I think I have figured out what makes her tick, she will pull a 180 on me. She is an old soul but vibrant and young at the same time. She is an "up in your face" kind of girl. She will no doubt give some poor fellow a broken heart and not feel the least bit bad about it. Oh yes, my Ella is quite the interesting little person. I think this picture is telling...

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What do you think? 

If You Are Ella....

...then you give your mother a "drop dead" look and refuse to smile for a picture....because you can...and because you like drama...and because you look adorable in your houndstooth hat...while holding a sippy cup from 2002...

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