Friday, March 11, 2011

Sister Wives...Could I Do It?...

I've watched the show Big Love ever since it started airing.

At first it was a curiosity. Polygamy. Sure, it probably would make for dramatic TV.

Then, I sort of grew attached to some of the characters and wanted to see what would happen next.

Now, I am soooooo over it. Quite frankly, the more the Principle is discussed, the more disgusted I get by the main character Bill. This season has had Barb (Bill's first wife) battling with her desires to be more liberated, independent, and open minded. I hadn't realized how oppressive fundamentalist Mormons were (in my opinion) until now. It's something I never had a reason to think about before. My husband adores me, and he would be thrilled if I took on a job that enabled him to stay home and let me be the provider of money and nurture at our home. He wants me to be his equal or even his superior. These Mormon fundamentalists are nothing at all like that. Do some googling. It's not pretty. At least to me, it's not pretty. Obviously, there are some who find it appealing.

So I asked myself...If Jay really felt called (we're talking burning bush, Jesus appearing in our den, Voice from the sky, calling) to take on a Sister Wife, could I roll with it?

The stunning conclusion after these words from our sponsors...