Religion has been on my mind a lot lately. Christianity in particular has been pondered the most. There have been a variety of reasons that religion has been on my mind.
1. The Presbyterian Church amended its Book of Order. Homosexuality no longer prevents an individual from being ordained as clergy in the Presbyterian Church. PC(USA).
2. A discussion with some family members who asserted that it isn't Biblically correct for a female to be a minister or deacon.
3. Stephen Hawking asserting that there is no afterlife...the human brain is a computer that simply shuts down at death.
4. The Rapture. Apparently, many think the rapture is coming on May 21.
I just have to say it. Damn! Bring up religion, and people can flip out!
I just have to ask. What would Jesus do? Would he condemn homosexuals? Would he vacate a church led by a woman? What would he say to a scientist who denies heaven? Who will be considered believers if Christ makes an appearance Saturday?
It is my understanding that Christians believe in Christ and follow the New Covenant. Christ is the prime example of what it means to be spirit filled. Christ didn't walk past the lepers and say, "I'll pray for ya." He literally rolled up his sleeves, got his hands dirty, and did whatever it took to help. Why is it then that so many Christians quote passages of the Old Covenant to support discrimination and passing judgement? Now, I am the first to admit that I don't know scripture inside and out, but doesn't it say in Matthew....Judge not lest ye be judged? Christ didn't spend his time hanging out at the Country Club. He spent his time with those who needed him most. The lowest of the low at the time...prostitutes, lepers, theives, etc. So why are Christians so averse to so many groups of people?
And the atonement? Don't get me started on how confusing that nugget can be. Christ paid the ultimate price. BUT, who did he pay it to? God? Why did God need payment? Yeah, religion confuses me.
Hate mail ensues....