Saturday, June 25, 2011

You Want My Money?...Then Don't Call Me...

Quite frankly, I cannot stand getting a phone call from a telemarketer. Even though we're on the Do Not Call list, there are lots of companies and organizations that still call our house. There are loop holes you see. The most recent one that nearly made me disconnect my phone....

Sirius XM

Jay's subscription was about to expire, so I logged into the website and renewed it.

The phone calls started to come. Every. Single. Day. Each time, I would tell whoever was on the other end of the phone that I already renewed it. The next day, they called again. Finally, after about two weeks of this, I just about exploded on some poor old soul. "I have my freaking confirmation. I already renewed it. Why will you not stop calling wanting to take my credit card number over the phone?" Only, I sort of yelled it in a super annoyed voice.

That's when he tells me that the calls are automated. A computer kept dialing my number every day. They will literally call you for months until you agree to renew over the phone. He had to have me speak to someone higher up than him (with the call being recorded) and request not to be called.

That's the thing though. We are customers of Sirius XM, so calling me all day every day doesn't violate the Do Not Call list. That kind of pisses me off. I really, really don't want them calling my house. The reminders in the mail every other day were enough. Yeah, we got a gazillion reminders in the mail to renew too. I can't help but wonder how much paper and postage they waste trying to get people to buy their product. It must pay off because they keep doing it.

The other thing that really bothers me. Charities calling me. I know that makes me sound heartless, but honestly, if the Alabama Sheriff's Association calls my house one more time this year, I am likely to throw my phone out the front door. Quite frankly, I am more likely to flip through a pamphlet sent to me in the mail than I am to listen to the rehearsed speech of a telemarketer. Fact of the matter is that these marketing calls come during times when I am busy with other things. "I'm trying to eat dinner, hoss. You aren't getting one dime out of me if my potatoes get cold." I don't even know if some of the charities that call asking for donations are even legit. I've never heard of half of them.

Just to be clear, I do donate to charity. BUT. I send my money to organizations I feel comfortable with, and I send it when it is convenient for me.

Moral of the story...if you want my business or donation, don't call my house. I'm likely to unload on you.