The first day of school came, and I just had to get a picture of the codependents as we left. Eighth grade. Fourth grade. First grade. My, my how time does fly.

This was the only day that week that we made it to school without incident. Yes, you read that correctly. We made it on time and without drama. Until about 9:30 when Hadley called to tell me she forgot her dance twirl bag at home. Day two was met with Hadley dragging. As usual. We barely made it to school on time. Day three was a little off kilter because Layton was having a tiny oral surgery and didn't go to school. The girls and I made it out the door with plenty of time. We got all the way to Ella's school before Hadley announced she had forgotten her lunch. We dropped off Ella and went home to get the lunch and back across town to school. Day four was much smoother except for Hadley dragging again. Lord help. How can it take her 30 minutes to shower? Hadley forgot her lunch again on day five. I'm hoping we can make it through the second week of school with a little bit more grace.