Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Meals at my House...

Hello! I weighed in today and am holding steady where I was the week before. That's better than gaining! Ha!

 I wanted to discuss meal planning. I plan our dinners a week at a time. I put the menu at the bottom of each day in my calendar. After I figure out what I'm going to prepare each week, I make a grocery list. On the nights when I make something that Layton cannot eat, I make a separate dinner for him. He loves cheeseburgers (just the meat and cheese, no bread), so I keep patties in the freezer for him. I'll throw one or two on the George Foreman grill while I'm making the main dish for the rest of us. Planning for him is easier than you would think. Every couple of weeks, I'll buy a pound or two of beef; pat out the patties; put each one in a quart size freezer bag; and Ta-Da! Dinner for the little man.

I'm a little anal about my grocery list. I map it out by section. Meats, Dairy, Frozen, Fresh Veggies and Fruit, etc. It makes it easier for me as I walk through the store each week. I can mark off the items I need as I place them in the buggy. 
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I would really like to expand my meal planning to cover two or three weeks at a time, but I am reluctant because I like to use lots of fresh ingredients. I've been tooling around with the Once a Month Mom website.  I would love to give it a try. Does anyone use it? Does anyone plan their meals a month at a time? I'm looking for feedback and helpful suggestions. But seriously. I don't know if I have the ability to take care of a month at a time. Thoughts?