Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Until Tawny Kitaen Shows Up...

The two littles had a marvelous time at the beach playing with the sand.

Their favorite activity is to bury J and then throw buckets of water at his head. (Insert inappropriate joke regarding J's demise and future burial here. lol)

Smiles are a plenty when Daddy is getting the bucket.

Ella got a bucket full of water thrown on her too. I have no idea why this is so fun, but they absolutely love it!

Here's the best part...Layton was rolling in the sand, and I took his picture. Later when I looked at the pictures...I realized that I caught him at just the right second to make him look like Tawny Kitaen on top of a Jaguar covered in sand...He really wasn't trying to be all "look at me rubbing sand all over my hot body"'s just the way his facial expression was captured at this exact moment. Bwhahaha.
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There you have it, folks. It's all fun and games until Tawny shows up.