You know what she reminds me of??? Those commercials where the kids come up with insane explanations for how Cheez-Its get all that flavor in one, tiny square. How does all of that adult energy fit in a little person? I don't recall ever standing too close to a particle accelerator or being bitten by a mutated spider or experiencing large doses of gamma radiation while pregnant with her, so I'm guessing it isn't really a super power.
To be such an old soul in so many ways, she is also surprisingly sweet and naive. She will be eleven in a matter of weeks but still believes wholeheartedly in Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Happily Ever After. Most importantly, she still believes in me.
Me - her Mommy - the best on the planet in her eyes - safe haven - care giver.
She does not yet realize that I am deeply flawed and fail at a variety of tasks daily. She hasn't even noticed the misplaced modifier in her baby book. When I burn the toast, she still smiles while eating it. When I forget that I promised to take her somewhere, she gently reminds me later. She hasn't noticed that I have never been the room mother at school. Will she ever? Even if she does notice all of the mistakes, shortcomings, and white out, I have a feeling she will still love me. Ella is a precious soul.
I keep thinking I will get the hang of this whole mothering thing eventually, but it just doesn't come naturally or easily to me. It is very difficult. Thank goodness such a sweet child is stuck in the middle.