Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Those who are long-time followers are familiar with my son's obsession with Michael Jackson. Yes, Layton loves some Beat It. He can't get enough Thriller. And Billie Jean? The kid is not his son.

Anyways, while we were getting gas one day, the familiar sound of MJ began to blast all over the parking lot.

As we all turn around, we see....

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He had a car with all the windows down blasting MJ music and a tip box. Do you see it there? Of course I had to pull out my camera and sneak a picture of this man who was dancing his heart out!!

Layton was absolutely shocked. For just a minute, he thought it really was MJ.

Since then, we've seen the dancing Michael Jackson impersonator in several other places around town. Each and every time Layton asks if we can stop and watch.