Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means...

Jenna’s Journey Blog

Another Wednesday will get you another strange list of things that "I don't."

I don't like banana flavored candy. Example: Banana Laffy Taffy. I don't know why; I just don't like it. I love real bananas though.

I don't have any sinus cavities under my face besides the two under my eyes which are very small and barely visible on an x-ray. The hubs says I am a genetic freak.

I don't wear sandals or flip flops unless my feet have recently had a pedicure. I have a foot thing, obsession, dislike, not really sure what to call it. I can't handle seeing people in flip flops with nasty, crusty feet. Ewww.

I don't like getting up early. I am a night owl. I would much rather work from 8:00PM to 8:00AM. Unfortunately, no one seems to want their tax return prepared at 3:00AM. Hmmm. Maybe it's time to reconsider my career. :)

I don't sleep barefoot. Believe me, I know this would drive some people nuts, but I prefer to sleep with socks on.

I don't think I have anything else to say at the moment. Wow, that's a first. I always have something to say. Tune in another day for more of my idiosyncrasies.


Anonymous said...

It is funny how some people love sleeping with socks on and some can't stand it. There is no inbetween with that subject. Ha! I hate banana flavored junk too.

Mallory said...

haha i HAVE to wear socks to bed too! If my feet are cold there is no way i can fall asleep!