Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Facebook or Fakebook?...

Are you on facebook? I'm not. It's just not something I can take on right now. I have a blog, twitter, email, text messages...I can't handle more social media.
The photo above was captured by a local news station. Apparently, the man in the picture is a deputy, and the woman is a city employee. Neither has been named publicly.
The deputy has been placed on leave pending an investigation. The photos were taken at a Halloween party.
I have an issue with this being an issue. If this same photograph were taken in 1950, no one would have known about it. The Internet, specifically facebook and blogs, force all of us to be on our best behaviour. Is this the first law enforcement officer to use his cruiser as a prop in a photo? Probably not. Will he be the last? Probably not.
Do you think that the two individuals in the photograph should lose their jobs because of this?

1 comment:

KK said...

No, but a week of unpaid leave seems fair.