Friday, February 19, 2010


The hubs loves chicken stew. He loves it in a way that is not describable. He could eat it everyday. Last week, I baked a whole chicken. Ok, I didn't actually bake it. I put it in the crock pot. After that sucker was done and we had eaten it, there was still a lot left over. So, I pulled all the meat off the bones and threw it in a pot with some stew fix-ns. I was able to put three moderately sized containers of stew in the freezer.

I love to have quick and easy things in the freezer. I especially love to have stew in the freezer. It is so easy to heat up, and on days when I don't feel like cooking, I can pull out a quart of stew, dump it in a stock pot, and feed the whole family with ease.

What are some of your favorite foods to cook and freeze for later? I would love to add to my list of "freezes beautifully."