Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Another Quote I Actually Like...

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."--Abraham Lincoln

The last sentence is something that appeals to me more than the others. I tell it to my children all the time when they scream for me to come brush their teeth or clean their rooms or get them a cup of water.......I tell them, it's not my job to do everything for you. It's my job to teach you to do everything for yourself. Realistically, that's the ultimate goal of being a parent.

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