Monday, September 21, 2009

Hadley...Before and After...

Hadley recently decided that riding her bicycle is the most important thing in the world. Because she didn't really ride very much, we hadn't bought her a bicycle in years. The evidence....

Notice how her knee is up under her armpit. Yes, that's a Disney Princess bicycle...circa 2003. Jay took her to get a new bike over the weekend.
She picked out a pink bicycle that she loves. It was on sale too! $59.00! I was shocked. When Santa bought the princess bike, I am positive that it was over $100.00. I guess Santa paid for the brand and the pretty pinkness of it.
Anyway, here she is on the new bike.

Also, Layton had a little minor surgery on Friday. I actually have some pictures of that to post too. Ella found the camera in my purse and decided to go all Annie Liebovitz on the surgery center.

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